Blood type diet is found if Dr Peter D'Adamo, author of "Eat Right for Your Type". According to him, the chemical reaction occurs between the blood and the foods you eat. This reaction is part of the genetic heritage. This reaction is caused by a factor called Lectins. Lectins and diverse proteins found in foods have properties that affect your blood agglutination. So, when you eat food containing protein lectins that are incompatible with your blood type antigen, the laktin began agglutinate blood cells and this will cause many health problems. of the blood type diet is where the concept originated O blood type diet.
Blood group O is believed by D'Adamo as a group hunter (hunter), blood type, which first appeared in humans. O blood type diet recommends that blood type O is a high protein diet. D'Adamo bases this on the belief that blood type O is the first blood type on the face of the earth, from 30,000 years ago. The owner of this blood type usually tend to have high achievement, an active and organized. Sports that are suitable for blood type O diet is cardio exercise: jogging, cycling, swimming, or brisk walking. Exercise in the morning is better than night.
O blood type diet Profile diets: low carbohydrate and high protein. Very Helpful (foods that have the effect of diet as a cure for blood type O): ginger, kailan, turmeric, meat (beef, buffalo, deer, sheep, calf), Broccoli, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, lettuce, radish china, blueberries, seaweed, kelp, cherry, guava, red beans, curry, peas, all kinds of onions.
Neutral (any food that does not react to blood type O diet): Carp, eels, lobster, tuna, oatmeal, rice, rice cakes, bread, rice, wheat flour, sardines, shrimp, eggs (chicken, duck), butter, beans (black, red, green beans, soybeans), tempeh , tofu, soy milk, eggplant, tomato, pumpkin, meat (chicken, ducks, goats, geese, turkeys, rabbits) Avoid (food that acts negatively to a diet blood type O): Pork, peanuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, laichi, potatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, oysters, frog, octopus, eggs (goose, quail), ice cream, cheese, cow milk, yogurt (all kinds), coconut oil, turtle, corn oil, corn, mushrooms, cantaloupe, mandarin oranges, bananas, bitter melon, white wine, soy sauce, coffee, liquor, squid, cuttlefish, broccoli flowers. A blood type diet.
Blood group A is called the cultivators (land cultivators, cultivating the land) by D'Adamo, blood type A grown in the agricultural era, about 20,000 years ago. Blood type diet recommends that individuals who are doing the diet blood type A is required to reproduce eating vegetables and avoiding red meat, food intake is directed more toward vegetarian. People with blood type A tends to be very creative, very sensitive, and good problem solvers. A blood group owners tend to be more suited to a relaxing sport for 30 minutes, such as yoga, tai chi, walking and outdoor sports. The owner of this blood group is less active in sports.
A blood type diet profile Diet: low fat and high kerbohidrat.
Very Helpful (foods that have the effect of diet as a cure for blood group A): Spinach, peanuts, beans, nuts / soy milk, tofu, carp, sardines, (Snails, pineapple juice, mango, banana, lemon lime & lemon), tempeh, rice flour, blueberries, broccoli, carrots, olive oil .
Neutral: Tuna, quail eggs, sesame seeds, pumpkin, onion, cucumber, taro, grape (all kinds), melon, cantaloupe, pears, pomegranates, kiwi, dates, strowberi, persimmon, guava, Meat (chicken, ostrich, turkey, grouse, pigeon), chicken and duck eggs, sunflower seeds, wheat bread, peas / peas, corn, tapioca.
Avoid: Meat (beef, goose, rabbit, pheasant, buffalo, sheep, ducks), lobsters, eels, frogs, cheese, ice cream, milk, pure coconut / coconut milk, honey melon, banana (king), papaya, pickles, eggplant , tomatoes, sweet potatoes, octopus, crab, potatoes, oranges, shrimp, squid, butter, milk cows, pare, soda water. B blood type diet.
Blood type B, according to D'Adamo called type nomads (wanderers). Blood type is associated with a strong immune system and digestive system that is flexible. According to the blood type diet theory, people with blood type B is the only person who can grow well with dairy products. It is estimated that blood group B originated approximately 10,000 years ago. The owner of this blood group tend to be very practical, one who does not like to beat around the bush in many ways. Sports that are suitable for blood type B diet is moderate exercise, which uses the body and brain. Sports such as ballet, dancing can be done to support the blood type diet B.
B blood type diet Profile diet: Milk & dairy products
Very Helpful (foods that have the effect of diet as a cure for blood type B): Cauliflower, eggplant, green tea, rice cakes, broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots, meat (goat, sheep, rabbits, deer), buburgandum, marine fish, cow's milk, cheese, bread Essene.
Neutral (any food that does not react to blood type B diet): Chicken eggs, bread, rice, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, cucumber, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, squid, carp, tuna, butter, cheese, mango, melon, meat (beef, buffalo, turkey, calf liver) , oranges, pears, red beans, chickpeas, rice flour, dates, guava.
Avoid: Meat (duck, chicken, geese, grouse, pigs, horses, snails, crabs, snails, peanuts, wheat bread, tomato, pumpkin, corn, water, soda, alcoholic beverages avocado, pare, pomegranate, coconut / coconut, persimmon, starfruit , eel, frog, octopus, lobster, ice cream, eggs (duck, goose, quail), pears. AB blood type diet.
AB blood type, according to D'Adamo called the Enigma (enigma, mysterious). Blood type AB is the last type of blood type evolved, originated approximately 1,000 years ago. In terms of food, blood gologan AB blood group which is treated as that is an intermediary between blood groups A and B. People with AB blood type has a clever and creative nature, have a good idea for business, easy to get along with people. In the blood type diet, exercise that is suitable for blood type O diet is yoga or pilates once a week, lightweight Jogging can also be done with an intensity that more often.
AB blood type diet Profile diet: Adjust with various types of food.
Very Helpful (foods that have the effect of diet as a cure for blood group AB): Sardines, green tea, tuna, goat's milk, egg white (chicken), ricotta cheese, sour cream (low calorie), red wine, meat (turkey, lamb, rabbit).
Neutral (any food that does not react to diet blood type AB): red beans, bread, rice, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, cucumber, pumpkin, potatoes, mustard greens, mango, cuttlefish, gold fish, beans, rice flour, tuna, butter, cheese, chicken eggs, melons, oranges, pears , dates, guava.
Avoid: Persimmon, Meat (beef, buffalo, chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, deer and horses), lobsters, crabs, frogs, butter, pickles, corn, star fruit, pomegranate, alcoholic beverages, ketchup, coffee, soda, guava, mango , black beans, Ice cream, duck egg, bitter melon, banana, coconut.
Alternative Blood Type Diet
Maybe some of you start thinking that this diet so many exceptions for food and feels heavy, there are alternatives other diets that you can see the diet with nutrients that are low calorie foods regardless of blood type.